Welcome Zanne – new Remedial Massage Therapist

We’re thrilled to introduce our new Remedial Massage Therapist, Zanne Long. She is relocating from Newcastle, where she established her own successful remedial massage clinic eight years ago. Located in a prestigious suburb of Newcastle, “The Hill”, Zanne quickly established a professional reputation that attracted several high profile clients that became regulars. Zanne’s formal qualifications…


Reducing Neck Pain in Office Workers

Reducing Neck Pain in Office Workers


Our Physio Chen presented one of her PhD papers at the biennial Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) conference held at the Gold Coast this year. Her research is based on neck pain in office workers which is highly topical in Australia. A recent study estimated that 49% of office workers suffer a new episode of neck pain each year. Research has also shown that 60 to 80% of workers experience a recurrence of neck pain within 1 year of the initial episode.


ITB Friction Syndrome

ITB Friction Syndrome


With the winter running season approaching it’s time to look at a very common injury that affects runners of various shapes, sizes, ages and abilities – ITB friction syndrome. It usually starts as a dull ache on the outside of the knee but can progress to an extremely sharp and disabling pain. Let’s run the usual analysis.


Kneecap pain

Kneecap pain


You don’t need a baseball bat and a Sicilian accent to get intimate with kneecap pain. Pain in the patella (kneecap) region is one of the most common complaints afflicting athletes from many sports. Common provoking activities include squatting, walking up and downstairs, prolonged sitting or standing, kneeling, cycling and running and there may also be an associated grinding feeling or click in the kneecap.
